Saturday 2 July 2016

Just do it: PEP 8, Style guide for Python, no spaces around equal signs in default arguments

When defining default functions in Python, I used to do this:
def foo(var1 = 'default1', var2 = 42):
After installing an automatic tool to check for the correct style, I was told that the correct style was to have no spaces surrounding the equal sign in this case, i.e. the correct style is:
def foo(var1='default1', var2=42):
I tend to like space since I think it makes the code more readable, and toyed with the idea of being a style rebel. But then I came to my senses. We all have different hang ups and quirks. Of course I could do it like I want it, but there are very good arguments in favour of having one consistent style for most users. It increases readability in general and makes debugging easier.

Besides, there is probably some good reason why the style guide recommends no spaces in this case - and there is no point in being stubborn only to discover that these people (who have a lot more experience) were right after writing lots of code.

So, despite the first instinct, I think the correct answer is: Just do it! Don't be stubborn, follow the guidelines.

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